Project Details...
ANFIELD ------------- The immediate area around Liverpool Football Club's Anfield stadium has been overshadowed by regeneration plans for over a decade. Poor council planning, and indecision about whether the club would expand in situ or move to a site nearby has devastated the once-thriving community. Dozens of Victorian terraced streets have been torn down or are boarded up awaiting demolition. With cuts to central government funding, uncertainty hangs over the remaining residents and the future of the area. "The moment that housing, a universal human activity, becomes defined as a problem, a housing problems industry is born, with an army of experts, bureaucrats and researchers, whose existence is a guarantee that the problem won't go away." Colin Ward quoted in 'Housing by People: Towards Autonomy in Building Environments' (1976).

Liverpool Football Club's stadium sits at the end of this row of boarded-up terraced houses.

Liverpool FC's famous stadium sits right beside derelict and boarded-up houses.

Rockfield Road, Anfield

These grass lawns are all that remain of an entire street of terraced houses.

Out with the old, in with the new